Last week, my parents and I travelled to Felda Residence Hot Spring which located at Sungkai, Perak. This area is far away from city and it is good to go if you like green natural environment and hot springs. It takes roughly 45 minutes from Langkap to Felda Residence Hot Springs. The environment around the area is calm, peace, comfortable and nice. After we have taken the villa key from the office, we are ready to go to our booked villa.
Felda Residence Hot Spring, Sungkai
In the month October 2021, I had attended the ITIL course foundation online training and have to take an exam in order to get the certification. ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. It provides the understanding of service management frameworks, guiding principle, concept of service value system, management practices and so on. Because I am working as service desk analyst, it is prerequisite to take this course so that I can further my career path in IT industry by exploring another job roles. Currently, this course is upgraded from ITIL v3 to ITIL v4.
施打第二剂阿斯利康(Astra Zeneca)疫苗 的体验
两个月之后,我在被安排到太子世界贸易中心(Putra World Trade Centre)接种第二剂阿斯利康疫苗(Astra Zeneca)。由于疫情持续严峻加上行动管制令,导致快车站暂停营运,我得要搭“顺风车”去打中心接种第二剂疫苗。因为接种了第一剂疫苗,所以我觉得没有什么好顾虑,只是希望尽快接种疫苗快点回家休息。
施打第一剂阿斯利康(ASTRA ZENECA) 疫苗的体验
2021年6月3号,我被安排到太子世界贸易中心(Putra World Trade Centre)施打第一剂阿斯利康疫苗(Astra Zeneca)。其实我心情还蛮焦虑和紧张的,有听说打了第一剂之后第二天会生病,身体疲累和其他副作用。为了提早接受疫苗以及工作的因素,我只好自愿报名接受阿斯利康疫苗。希望身体接受疫苗之后,不会有任何的副作用。
由于马来西亚进入封城状态,买了车票之后,我走到了快铁列车站,空无一人,都很平静,不像之前那样,上班族赶着搭列车去工作。在列车里,也是一样,没有什么人,搭上列车后,列车就朝着南湖镇站(Bandar Tasik Selantan)的方向出发。到了南湖镇站后,我需要转站到轻轨才可以到达太子世界贸易中心。由于疫情严峻,加上大多数的人都在家工作,车站都很冷清和凄凉,所有的档口都暂时关闭,轻轨里面也不例外,但是需要与人保持距离。
工艺学院的生活 在2010年,我被政府入取进了莎阿南(Shah Alam) 工艺学院(Politeknik Premier Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah)就读三年国际贸易管理(文凭)(Diploma in Internati...
A' Famosa Safari Wonderland is an animal theme park located at Alor Gajah Melaka. Around the month of June, my family and I visit...
台湾实习之旅 台湾是一个我最想要去的国家。因为中学时期都爱听台湾的流行歌曲和观看偶像剧,觉得可以在那里旅游一定会是很不错的体验,如果有机会去那里,一定会去。 我非常感谢我的朋友,我得到了可以到台湾四个月实习的机会,去体验那里的生活和工作的环境。 同时,对我来说...