My purpose of creating this post:

When I am organizing my folders on my laptop, I found out one of the folders is my blog posts for my blog setup in the year 2016. In the year 2016, I still studying in Northern University of Malaysia. If got small gap of time, I will write down my blog idea and then form a post in order to share it to my blog page. Unfortunately, due to lack of contents and idea, my blog creation is postponed and I proceed to prepare my blog in the year 2017. At that time, the reasons of creating the blog posts is to share my life thought about living, career, relationship, academic, and life lessons that I gained from Robin Sharma, Dale Carnegie, Joel Osteen, Nick Vujicic and so on after I studied their book series. Recently, after I studied the blog posts, I think it is helpful for those who are seeking to improve their living. In certain posts, I will set a framework and process for easy understanding. I hope my life thought sharing is helpful for you in setup life goals and achieving your dream.


出版者:悦知文化 精诚资讯股份有限公司
作者:阿飞 A-Fei
出版日期:2015 年5月


Sungai Pisang Waterfall

Two weeks ago, my friends and I went to Sungai Pisang Waterfall. It is located at Gombak, Selangor. This is one of the preferred destination for people who like to hiking, picnic, or camping because of its cool and peace natural environment. My friends and I have reached the location around 9 am, we start to hiking to waterfall once we have taken our food and equipment. The parking fees at Sungai Pisang Waterfall is RM5.00 


作者:鸟原隆志 (Takashi Torihara)
出版日期:2020 年1月

【再忙也不会出错的完美工作执行力】是一本关于在职场上如何运用对的工作技巧来处理事务和学习计划自己的时间来提高自己的工作生产量。书中的作者鸟原隆志(Takashi Torihara)是日本蓝中演练技术的主要推广者。同时他的书籍作品目前已累计销售册数突破80万册。在这本书里,除了分享用对的方法策划工作之外,作者会比较强调如何将时间和精力放在B象限的工作上来改善自己的工作表现。

别跟自己过不去: 分解情绪,拿回心情自主权

出版日期:2019 年 

【别跟自己过不去:分解情绪,拿回心情自主权】是一本关于处理和调解自己的情绪的书籍。 这本书的作者是何权峰,是一名医师兼作家同时也出版过将近四十本心灵励志书籍。关于这本书,作者将会分享关于分解情绪的技巧, 对于不顺利的事情应该要抱着什么样的态度,如何在生活中保持良好心态以及学习培养自己的良好情绪的方法。 

Malaysia dalam Wabak Covid-19

Wabak penyakit Koronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) merupakan sejenis penyakit radang paru-paru yang boleh mengancamkan nyawa manusia. Virus ini boleh menjangkiti orang lain jika orang itu pernah berinteraksi dengan pesakit. Mutakhir ini, oleh sebab “sikap acuh tak acuh” daripada sesetengah rakyat Malaysia, penularan koronavirus dalam negara kita telah mencapai tahap kritikal dan kerajaan telah melaksanakan penyitaan bandar dan penutupan laluan bandar untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit koronavirus. Melalui cara tersebut, Kementerian Kesihatan juga boleh mengenalpasti siapa yang terjangkit penyakit ini kerana simtom-simtom penyakit akan muncul lepas 14 hari dan peningkatan kes Covid 19 dapat dikawalkan dengan mengurangkan aktiviti-aktiviti sosial dan perhimpunan. Walaupun pelaksanaan tersebut telah dijalankan selama satu minggu, kes-kes Covid-19 masih meningkat secara mendadak dan hal ini telah menimbulkan kerisauan dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia.

The 5 AM Club

Publisher: HarperCollins
Year: 2018
Format: Paperback
Pages: 314
Genres: Self-enrichment, leadership, motivation, business

Book Review
The 5 AM Club is a book written by Robin Sharma who is the author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. This book is sharing about the ways of improving yourself in managing time by practicing "wake up early" habit in your daily life. In this book, the writer will encourage 5 am will be the starting point of your new day to plan, organize and manage each tasks accurately and consistently. Meanwhile, the most important is, have a clear goal in your life so that this habit can bring benefits for you to manage each tasks effectively. 

Travel to Seoul: Part 2