Break Out!: 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life

Publisher: FaithWords 
Year: 2013
Format: Paperback 
Pages: 244
Genres: Inspirational, Spirituality, Christian, and Motivation 

Book Review

Break Out: 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life is a book written by Joel Osteen in explaining the ways of breakthrough obstacles to achieve extraordinary results in life. It consists of 5 key rules and the writer has explained in chapter the ways of God help and guide us to live exceedingly, extraordinary, and abundantly. 

The 5 keys to success are as follow: 
1. Believe Bigger
2. Consider God, Not Circumstances 
3. Pray God-Sized Prayers
4. Keep the right perspectives
5. Don't Settle for Good Enough 

Summary of the reading

You may have people in your life like this, some who don’t like you, a boss who is hard to get along with, or a family member who is disrespectful. It is easy to become discouraged and to think, “This will always be this way. They will always be against me.”
God will not allow any person to keep you from your destiny. They may be bigger, stronger, or more powerful, but God know how to shift things around and get you to where you are supposed to be.

In Psalm 112, David said: “When darkness overtakes the righteous light will come bursting in.” At times in life it may seem dark. You may not see how it could ever work out. Maybe you don’t have the funds to pay your bills. Maybe other problems seem insurmountable. But if you will stay, breakthrough-minded God promises the light will come bursting in.

Let me challenge you: if you will just keep being your best day in and day out, if you will live a life that honor God, he will not only make up for lost time, He also will thrust you further. He will do more than you can even ask or think.

You may feel that in the natural you could never accomplish your dreams. You don’t have the connections, the resources, or the education, but God is saying: “You have not seen My explosive blessings. You haven’t seen the surpassing greatness of My favor. I have blessings that will catapult you years ahead. I have increase beyond your calculations.
If you will be faithful with what you have and prove to God that you can be trusted, then God will show you the hidden riches found in secret places. God will give you ideas, dreams, visions, good breaks, and the right connections to take you to a level you never thought possible. It is time for us to lend and not borrow. In these coming days there will be a transfer of wealth. There will be a major shifting in finances and wealth. God will do unusual things.
God is saying, “Where you are is not permanent. I have explosive blessings coming my way. Blessing that will blast you to a new level. Favor that will take you beyond previous limitation. 

You have to enlarge your vision and make room for the new things God wants to do. Your attitude should be: “The economy may be down, but I know God is still in the Throne. I know He has promotion and increase already lined up for me. His favor surrounds me like a shield. Goodness and mercy are following me. This will be great year.
“You have been single for a long time. You will never be married.”
No, get rid of the old wineskins. Trade in those containers for something bigger. This is a new season. What is happened in the past is over and done. You may have been through disappointments. Maybe you tried and failed. It didn’t work out. That’s okay. God is still in control.
Have a bigger vision in your life. Our attitudes should be: “This is my year to go to a new level. This is my year to see a supernatural increase. This is my year to meet the person of my dreams.”
Make sure you don’t shortchange yourself. God is saying to you what He said to this lady: “Borrow not a few.” Don’t limit your vision. You may not see how it could happen. That’s okay; that’s okay; that’s not your job. Your job is to believe. God has a thousand ways to fill your containers that you’ve never thought of.
Who says you can’t rise out of poverty? Who says you’ll never own a nice home? Who says you’ll never take a mission trip? Who says you’ll never start a charity? Who says you will never send your children to college? Who says you’ll never meet the right person?
All it takes is one touch of God’s favor. Get in agreement with Him. God has explosive blessings in your future, blessings that can thrust you years ahead. Second Peter 3:8 says, “To the Lord a thousand years is like one day and one day is like a thousand years.”  

When you focus only on feelings of discouragement and loneliness, you may not able to foresee anything good happening in your life. But when you consider God, you realize your best days are ahead. Your future will be brighter than your past. The greatest victories are not behind you, they are in front of you.
Are you considering your circumstances? Or are you considering your God? He is called “The Great I am.” He is saying. “I am everything you need. If you are sick, I’m your healer. If you are struggling, I’m your provider. If you’re worried, I’m your peace. If you are lonely, I’m your friend. If you are in trouble, I am your deliver. If you need a break, I’m your favor.”

Be confident in what you have. When David went to face Goliath, all he had was a slingshot and five smooth stones. It didn’t look like much.
When you give God what you have, He will take the little and He will turn it too much. Now quit telling God what you don’t have and what you can’t do. Be confident. You have exactly what you need. It may not be as much as others have, and that’s okay. You’re not running their race. Don’t envy their talent. Don’t covet what they have. Don’t wish you had their looks, their personality, or their opportunities.
God can cause you to be seen the way He wants you to be seen. You may not feel very powerful or very influential. The good news is it is not how you feel that matters; it’s how God causes you to be seen.

On the way to yes there will be nos. You have to go through the nos to get to your yeses. The mistake many people make is that they become discouraged by the nos and they quit trying. They worked hard but didn’t get promoted. They prayed and believed but didn’t qualify for the new home. They put time and energy into a relationship, but it didn’t work out. Now they think it will never happen.

You may be facing a situation that looks like it will never turn around. Let me declare this over you: You will see it turn around quicker than you think. You will come out of debt quicker than you think. You will accomplish your destiny much quicker than you think.

If you are to see the gracious hand of God at work, you can’t go through the day intimidated, thinking that you are average or just hoping for some good breaks. You have to carry yourself as if you have God’s hand on you. You have to think like you have favor, talk like you have favor, walk like you have favor, and dress like you have favor. Not arrongantly, thinking that you are better than somebody else, but just living with this quiet confidence, knowing that you have an advantage. You have an edge. The gracious hand of God is on your life.

How you pray determines what kind of life you live. If you only pray small, ordinary, get-by prayers, then you will live a small, ordinary, get-by life. But when you have the boldness to ask God for big things, you ask Him to open doors that might otherwise never open. You ask Him to take you further than anyone in your family. You ask Him to restore a relationship that looks over and done.

If you put God in remembrance of His promises and do not put Him in remembrance of your problems, then He will be faithful to His word. What God promised, He will do.

God will put a promise in your heart that seems impossible, a promise that says, “You will be healthy. You will start a business. You will meet the right person and get married.”
The bigger the problem, the bigger your destiny. The enemy would not be fighting you this hard unless he knew God had something in amazing in your life. On the other side of that challenge is a new level of your destiny. No disappointment. No injustice. No person. No hater. No jealously can stand against our God. When you believe, all the forces of darkness cannot stop God from taking you where He wants you to go. Be a believer and not a doubter.
You may have endured hurts and disappointments, and people may have done you wrong, but you don’t have to live defeated, depressed, in self-pity. God wants to heal the hurts, give you a new beginning, and bring you out better off than you were before. But you’ve got to know Him as a God Who gives beauty for ashes. There is so much more to our God. Don’t keep Him in a little box. Discover what else He is.
Be a believer. Take the limits of God. Keep your faith stirred up. I believe and declare you are going to see God’s goodness in amazing ways.

Uncommon faith is not average faith. It’s not ordinary. It’s above and beyond. It gives you a boldness and a confidence to believe for the extraordinary. 

My thoughts

In this book, the writer, Joel Osteen has clearly described God put everything in our life has its own reasons. In life, we always facing problems in family, career, healthy, and relationship. All of these will cause us feel worried and stressed in living because nobody can help us. Nevertheless, if we trust God, we can realize that, every setback helps us growing up become more wiser, stronger, and mature than before.  Therefore, we should have different perspectives to think and solve the problems in living. Lastly, as human, praying is the best cure to make our mind peace and calm to deal with challenges and problems to achieve our dreams. 


About this book, I strongly recommended for people interested in reading religion books, Christian, and students from different level of education background. 

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