Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action

Publisher: WaterBrook Press
Year: 2012
Format: Paperback 
Pages: 240 
Genres: Religion and spirituality, motivation

Book Review

Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action is a book written by Nick Vujicic who is the motivational speaker, evangelist, author, and the director of the nonprofit organization Life Without Limbs. This book is the second book of Nick Vujicic which encourages people to keep moving forward and face the challenges in hard times. This is because God always is on our side to support and protect us in our life if we keep believing in Him. 

Summary of The Book
  1. If you and I can learn just one lesson from every person we know, how much wiser we would be? How much time, effort, and money would we save? “Nick, do you know the best way to eat an entire elephant? One bite at a time.”
  2. You must have faith in yourself, in your purpose, and in God’s plan for your life.
  3. To simply say, “I believe” in something is not enough. If you want to have an impact in this world, you must put your belief and faith in your action.
  4. An arrogant person does not ask for help and thus is helpless. An arrogant person claims to know everything and this is clueless. A humble person attracts helpers and teachers
  5. Don’t try to show them what you know. Instead, show them how much you want to learn.
  6. Attitude is altitude
  7. Prepare yourself by staying in faith and being the best person you can be. Give as much love as you can. Put it out there, and God will take care of the rest
  8. Letting faith shine
  9. We should be with people who inspire us and motivate us to grow, to be more godly, more caring, more giving, more empathetic
  10. You are God’s creation and therefore worthy of His love, which makes you worthy of a loving relationship too. I pray that you are as blessed by love as I have been, but remember to do your part and prepare yourself to not only receive it but not to give it unselfishly too.
  11. You will know you have found a passion when your talents, knowledge, energy, focus, and commitment all come together in a way that excites you like a child with favorite game or toy.
  12. Your passion leads you to your purpose, and both are activated when you put your faith in your gifts and share them with the world. You are custom made for your purpose, just as I am for mine. Every part of you- from your mental, physical, and spiritual strengths to your unique package of talents and experiences- is designed to fulfill that gift.
  13. Hellen Keller- Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can be soul be strengthened, ambition aspired, and success achieved
  14. My message for you is that no matter where you are right now in life, you should never think all is lost. You may have strayed from the righteous course. You may even have done terrible things, but it does not mean you cannot turn life around, find a new passion, and become a force for goods in this world.
  15. I am about to bare my soul to you, serving up my initial creation to a difficult situation as a good example of a bad example. I will share my pain to spare your similar torments. But you have to promise me that you will take this lesson to heart, because this is not easy to write about, Okay, mate?
  16. Finding comfort instead of despair
  17. Suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope, be wrote.
  18. Research:
  19. They realize they are stronger than they thought, and they tend to recover more quickly from future challenges
  20. They discover who truly cares about them, and those relationships grow stronger
  21. They put greater value on each day and on the good things in their lives
  22. They become stronger spiritually
  23. The Bible says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Now, it may be impossible not to be anxious when dealing with illness, disabilities, or other life-threatening challenges, but you can find peace by putting things in God’s hands. He can give you strength one day at a time, whether you need it for your own challenges or because you are grieving for someone else. Know that whatever happens, there is no sickness or disease or death in the next life, but there has to be an end to all of us on earth. God’s plan is not to keep us here to suffer and die; He wants us to be with Him in heaven forever
  24. Still, while we are here in our temporary lives, we have a beautiful opportunity to        
  25. know God and to share His love with others who don’t yet know that Jesus Christ died for their sins. While eternal life in heaven will be great, having a relationship with God while we are on earth is a tremendous opportunity.
  26. Whatever circumstances you face, God will use you for His purposes. It may be years before you understand what that purpose might be. In some cases, you may never know the full extent of His plans or why He allows some things happen to you. That’s why it is necessary to put your faith in action by knowing God with you. Even though bad things may happen, they do not change the fact that He loves you.
  27. You and I only get one ride on what Shakespeare called “this mortal coil,” so what will you do on yours? Will you allow poor health, a bad injury, or a disability to take even a drop of joy out of your one chance at life on earth? I suggest instead that you go for an upward spiral. If you are put flat on your back by health problems or slowed down by a disability, take the opportunity to make sure your priorities are in order, let those care about how much you love them, and strengthen your faith.
  28. Negative thoughts and emotions can overwhelm you and rob you of perspective. If you don’t shut them down, self-destruction can seem like the only escape because you cannot see another way out.
  29. If I feel dead, why not make death a reality?
  30. I can only stop the pain inside by causing pain on the outside!
  31. A great many people have fleeting thoughts of suicide or self-harm. What will save your life in these situations is to shift your perspective from yourself to those you love, from the pain of right now to the greater possibility of the future. When self-destructive and suicidal thoughts torment you, I recommend putting faith in action, whether it is a faith that you will have better days and the better life, or faith that those who love you, including your Creator, will help you through this storm. Jesus said the thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but He comes that we may have a life- a more abundant life.
  32. The power of surrendering. Surrendering is about giving up the illusion that you are in the driver’s seat. Yes, you decide how you act when you act, and the attitude you present to the world. Yes, you should dream and have goals for your life based on your passion.
  33. We should use our freedom and our power not to satisfy our selfish needs and desires- or to fill our own pocket as Taylor did- but to love and serve one another as President Sirleaf is doing.
  34. All you need is to put your faith, your talents, your education, your knowledge, and your skills out there to benefits others in ways big and small. Even the tiniest acts of kindness can have a ripple effect. Even people who think they have no power to impact the world around them can make a huge difference by joining forces and working together to become the change they desire.
  35. We all have to decide what works best for us, fulfills us, and gives us the greatest sense of control and contentment in our interior and exterior lives. If you are feeling out of sync, stuck, unmotivated, or unloved, then you may need to get back into alignment. Reflect on each area of your life and consider whether you have paid enough attention to each. Then devise a plan for addressing anything you have neglected in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms.
  36. Living balance also means living harmony with others, which may require giving up yourself to share in something greater – a fuller life.

My thoughts

In this book, the writer, Nick Vujicic emphasizes about everyone can succeed in their life if keep believing God and having faith in yourself. Take as the writer as an example, he gives speeches around the world, has his own marriages, career, and family even though his disabilities are the greatest challenges to him. After reading this book, I want to conclude that when we are facing difficulty in the journey to the success, we have to keep moving forward and support the decision made by us even we are facing failure. If we fall down, we have to rise up again, take the mistake as a lesson which can enable us to deliver high quality of works in the future. 

In a relationship, undeniably we are always facing the issues about an argument with spouse, single for a long time, broke up, and personal hardship. Everything happens is out of our expectation. Therefore, we should keep the right attitude in facing all of these issues with "problem solver" mind set. When the right time coming, a relationship between spouse will become better and single people will meet their soul mate in the right place and time. Keep believing yourself because God has set the right time and plan to your life! 

I strongly recommend this book for people facing difficulty in a relationship, career, health, and personal problems. This is because this book concern about the ways to keep the right attitude with real stories and examples. 

If you are interested in this book, you can click this link below: 

If you are interested in Nick Vujicic, you can click this link below: 

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